
CAPITAL QUEST ADVISORS (CQA) was established in order to advise shareholders and board members how to increase, diversify, and retain shareholder wealth. The entire company focuses on defining the end goal for client company shareholders and management.  With that objective clearly in mind, we can establish and implement an action plan to achieve your companies desired results.

CQA is a business consulting corporate finance group that provides a full range of financial advisory and capital   acquisition services for the owners and shareholders of small to middle-market companies. 

At CQA we believe that consulting is an art, not a science; there is no one formula that once implemented, will   guarantee success.  Therefore, we carefully consider each clients’ unique situation. We look beyond the company’s financial statement to a wide range of factors.

These factors include:

  • Management expertise and commitment 
  • Economic, political and demographic circumstances affecting the industry
  • Relationships with clients and suppliers 
  • Growth potential and performance following business setbacks

We devise and implement creative and aggressive strategies to help you achieve the results you want and deserve.

About David Peters

David Peters; Managing Principal

David B. Peters has over twenty years of banking experience, including eighteen years of middle-market commercial banking. For fifteen years he has practiced serving all financial positions ranging from credit analyst to senior middle-market commercial loan officer. Within that time he has been a CFO, CEO and a successful investment banker. Dave has a vast knowledge of finance, banking and the capital asset marketplace. He has corporate knowledge and understanding of administration, human resources and management environments.


David Peters

Email: Capitalquestadvisors